The Pros and Cons of Group Health Insurance
The health insurance marketplace is certainly challenging, but count the lucky stars that at least you have choices. To that end, this article is going to explore the pros and cons of group health insurance. Group Health Insurance Pros Group health premiums are subsidized by the employer. Generally, an employer must contribute at least 50% of the "employee only" premium . As such, if you are an employee, you can likely get a richer health plan for less premium than you would pay in the individual health marketplace . However, the cost to add your dependents to the employer's plan may be cost-prohibitive. In this case, assuming that your dependents can qualify , then you may want to put them on an individual health plan. Group health premiums for large families are the same as for small families ; whereas , in the individual market, you pay a separate premium for every family member. So, if you have a large family , you may be able to get a better deal by adding...